Personally, I am going into the Hobo Bean <i>Processing</i> business.

That is, eating them and turning them into poop behind bus stops and convenience store dumpsters.


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But giving free taxpayer money to subsidize the oil companies is the <i>good</i> kind of welfare! Mostly because it is <i>completely invisible</i> to your average FOX fan and teabagger!

Besides, The Coloreds and The Poors have such a huge head start on being scapegoats. Changing the narrative now is just going to confuse people.

No, stick to the script, buddy. All the problems we have aren't the piles of free taxpayer money being dumped on top of the oil companies' gigantic money mountains, it's really entirely all due to the handfuls of dollars that go to the peasanty beggars, trying to get them to simply stop doing those offensive things they always do, like starving to death, or expecting their children to be taught things.

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Don't trucknutz sort of count as courage transplantz?

And in many ways, these politicians are affixing simple "spendingcutz" to their blabbering appearances, dangling there like a big fake plastic scrote. So, COURAGE DONE!

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"Patiently explained" not intended to be a literal statement.

Explanations may include single sentences with only the latest Luntz buzzwords, and peanuts.

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No, you see, inflating the debt, during their period at the helm of government, that was the second phase of the attack: Overburden the system with, oh, a couple of endless wars and other (planned) unavoidable expenses. The first attack was to cut government income via massive tax cuts, which just happened to really benefit the people with the most money.

Then, you see, when everything goes to shit because there's no money, you can <i>finally</i> cut those poor scummy non-gentry folks off from all their measly benefits. As an added advantage, the man in the drivers' seat, (most likely from the other party) gets to take all the backlash for the hard decisions! I mean, totally look at his skin! IT IS DIFFERENT!

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<blockquote> glaring, elementary mistruths about the economy </blockquote>

"Mistruths," huh? That is a harsh word. Very very harsh. Tell you what: we won't raise the debt ceiling, until you change it to "differently intended statements."

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On a positive note, my sweetie got a good grade in a very important glass and she's coming down tomorrow to celebrate. So, in summary:

1. Work life: Sucks 2. Political life: Sucks 3. Personal Life: Not bad...pretty good actually.

Number 3 trumps 2 and 1, so Wednesday FTW.

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Or at least piss over the side.

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New band name!

Dashboard Buddha and the Hell-Bound Heathens.

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The great Jim Hightower pointed out that "...a Republican plan to privatize Medicare will give future recipients the “same kinds of options” lawmakers have" is technically correct.

Congress Critters pay a portion of their insurance and the Federal government pays for the rest. The GNoP Medicare plan provides for citizens to pay for part of the plan and the Federal government would pay for the rest.

As to the portions each party pays - and the requisite income the citizen requires to make that payment - is quite another matter, indeed...

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After seeing the pictures congress will next demand to poke the corpse with a stick.

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No fair! Boehner's speeches aren't intended to include factual statements.

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I too was a little disappointed that he wasn’t going on trial. A little. Think of what circus that would have been. The OJ trial on steroids.

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And you know at least one kid would have drunk too much "grape juice" and started sobbing about how Dad made him feel worthless that time he refused to shoot the neighbor's barking dog.

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Same here...plus, today is shaping up to be a work sucks day. sigh

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I (and most of the rest of the country) foresaw much conflict and pissing contest having between the extreme right wing and the more pragmatic elements of the Republican party. I did not predict the degree to which it was going to drag down all the rest of us.

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