Donna Karan has come out with her spring line, I see.

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if you believe that lol means telling someone else something is funny, then you should get your children to explain it to you (lol)

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I'm doing nothing to your last nerve, or any of the others, you do it to yourself, and I am here because I have just as much right to be here as you, brainiac

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odd that you'd think one has to be a trump supporter in order to be outraged at DNC corruption, which included some acts by Brazile and Bernie WAS a democrat for the duration of the campaign, it's not that complicated, one just registers as democrat, millions do it, and no proof is needed, and again it is not necessary to be a trump supporter to see the "hacking" drama as a tactic to salvage whatever legacy might be salvaged from the loss to trump

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I definitely don't look that cute in my jams.

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Nope, "The man consulted his portable GPS and replied..."

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True. But you can Google Earth the coordinates and there is no boat or indication of a boat ever being there. There's a house though.

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I'm not. Wish we were...

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You and probably every other Wonketeer, me included.

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My point was that most handheld devices don't have accurate elevation on the onboard maps. They can triangulate your elevation above MSL, but not above ground level (AGL). The kind they put in airplanes have sufficient accuracy and memory to calculate AGL from map data and altitude above MSL.

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OK, Mr. Smartypants pilot, I bow to your enviable experience. I love aircraft with a particular interest in aviation from 1918 - 1945. I always wanted to be a pilot but when I had the money, I had no time, and when I had the time - yep, you guessed it - insufficient finances. I've been at the controls of a glider twice and a powered plane - a Cessna 182, if memory serves - once thanks to a pilot cousin. He did the take-offs and landings, but once in the air, he said, She's all yours. I intuitively knew what the controls did, took things nice and easy and quite impressed my cousin. What a rush. My fondest wish is to fly in a Stearman PT-17.

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I'm also a geodesy nut, which might explain another thing or two. I have a GPS mount on my mountain bike, ferchrissakes. With that and Google Earth, and Google Pedometer, I've opened up a world of trails within ~25km of my home that most Germans don't even know exist.

WGS84 rules!

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Depends. Do you still want your face when you UNpack them?

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Imagine having Wonkette on your resume - any employer you choose should hire you in a minute flat.

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"Businesses are tripping over themselves to get on their knees before Trump makes them hold their breath and swallow a dangerous economic policy that sees the invisible hand reaching around to pick winners."

Is that a triple entente? Awesome intern!

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"lose" Ha !

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