Fuck Apple.

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How could anyone tell the difference?

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With someone else's iPhone.

The comment "Oh I got to dial it in" might hint that just maybe, he was looking for a contact in the address book that the phone's owner didn't have, and he had to enter the number himself. Which would, of course, make the entire story total bullshit.

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They lost me when our son's little i-something music player died and I drove to the store in Walnut Creek, found a parking place, walked in and was then told I needed an appointment.

I explained I wasn't there for a root canal. I just wanted the damn thing fixed.

No, I needed an appointment.

Now, the place wasn't exactly packed. I asked if I could just wait. "No." I asked if I could make a same-day appointment. "No."

I think Apple is incredibly self-absorbed.

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Things are grim at the WashTimes ... the Moonies can no longer afford the royalties on actual news photos. This is the best they could cut & paste from a Google search.

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Has it been three days already?

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What's a "documentary?"

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If I remember correctly, you could slip a long, thin strip of cardboard down the quarter slot, drop a penny (or was it a nickle?) in another slot, pull the cardboard out and you'd get a dialtone. And your coin would return.

Then you had to tie an onion onto your belt.

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Is there any retail establishment more arrogant than an Apple Store? Makes Hollister seem like a weekend at Grandma's.

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If Jerry Garcia bought the paper, it went up in smoke a long time ago...

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Lower The Cone of Silence.

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And loving it!

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Those wingnuts are so easily entertained...

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Don't forget Mr. Obama ordering arugeuella on his salad!

Thought, I'll bet both Mr. & Mrs. Obama can correctly spell it. I obviously can't.

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Blahberries do suck mightily.

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That only happened because Chimpy was also holding hands with a Saudi prince at the same time.

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