Great, there go the cost overruns. Guess we'll have to downgrade from a crocodile filled moat to one with somewhat peeved geckos.

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If Nobama could convince the right that the children are fleeing tyrannical, leftist regimes in Central America, he could win this thing.

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<i>This thought has been deleted by the administrator</i>

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needs moar children of the corn

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A <i>real</i> tyrant/king/dictator/hitler would not worry about "politics". Obama sucks at kinging.

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Abraham Lincoln?

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So now they're complaining when he DOESN'T take unilateral action?

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It cannot be said enough that certain illegals get a free pass. The sad fate of other Hispanics is they weren't born in Cuba.

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Hey administrator. Can you also delete the voices in my head and my thoughts about doing naked things with that cutie in Accounts Payable? WAIT! I changed my mind about the sexy time thoughts. Just delete the voices please.

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<i>"...an executive order on immigration would make Congressional action impossible."</i>

"Congressional action". I read about that in the history books.

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In other news, Florida Senator Rubio saves us from ISIS.

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So true. That usurper can't do anything right. And there's nothing he can't do, too, also.

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Smoke 'em!!!

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Bit of a late, and unduly serious, comment here.

1, Acknowledging the fact that there are people who are legitimately upset that Bamz has decided to delay executive action on immigration, I would like to point out that there are other folks who have been upset for some time about the absence of executive action in other areas *cough*WallStreetMineSafetyMortgageReliefChildLabor*cough*, even though in some cases executive action would have been unarguably legal. Some of these non-actions were at least partly politically motivated -- avoiding confrontations that would put some Dem legislators in a pickle. As it turns out, the political system left to us by the Framers was pretty well suited to a principally-agrarian, low-population-density, socially-stratified country. It's still better (IMO) to work with it for now.

2. Aside from the electoral effects, I actually think that it would be a good idea for the President to think carefully about how much change is appropriate for executive action. No matter how obstructive the legislature may be right now. I am old enough that the notion of a unitary executive is disturbing. Shit that gets established in one Presidency has a bad habit of carrying over <i>forever</i>.

"I can't reverse this particular excess, because it might hamper some hypothetical future President". That's not a quote, as far as I know, but every President in my lifetime has said something like it. At this point, I'm not a big fan of unilateral executive action.

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"Marco can't rail against, then promptly flip-flop, on an Obama action that will not be made until after the election."

Wanna bet?

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