And then the pudding.

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Look at Josh Duggar. The trick is finding someone in his circle who isn't a pedophile.

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That reminds me...before he had a TV show and pudding commercials he was a stand-up comic. We had several of his records I listened to over and over as a child. He has a monologue where he talks about his wife giving birth and she's mad at him during labor. She says "You did this to me". He says it in her voice in a really angry way. Somehow the bit isn't that funny anymore.

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Tragically, this guy will never land a lucrative pudding endorsement:


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yeah no fuck off. no one should hang themselves.


go away.

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right? dude has been doing this since forever.

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everybody gets free airplane rides rick! where you been bud??!!? who are YOU working for?!?!

in my world the only people who fly coach are...rick hill. must suck to be you!

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Wow, that would be horrid, if she actual said anything even remotely like that.

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an embossed Lemmon 714

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Twice- just to make sure that asshole got the point. Though President NoDrama did his version of it pretty damn well...

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After all, Chucky is a persecuted minority as well*, so he knows all about what african- americans have to endure.

*being the SMOTI. Did you think I was refering to his gingerness?

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"Measly rape", you say? I knew Cosby was in bed (eww) with the anti-vaxxers. Thanks, Obama!

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Why Ameriduh is fucking circling the drain. The President gives a feisty, informative news conference to rebut the utter horse shit that has spewed forth from our wingnuts and our enabling media, even addressed talking points that the "journalists" didn't, to try and honestly address the public on the historic deal with Iran that was made. He challenged the doom n' gloom caucus to lay out their opposing options. (War).And the "news" opened this a.m. with the Bill Cosby question. Our electorate is NOT the envy of the world. That's why.

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It was a total act. He's been complicit in the Arkansas child molestation ring for all these years, he protected his dog-abusing son, he set murderers free. I'm calling "imitation-affable psychopath."

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I must have missed something.Bill is a rapist?

Edit: oh, Bill Cosby, not Bill Clinton.(Time for more coffee!)

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Is it still rape if he controlled them with his mind?

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