I actually love the fact that Obama stays completely out of Drumpf's day-to-day batshit twitter tantrums. It yanks the rug right out from under Drumpf.

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We'll lock them up in the future. Like, after November. There, problem solved!

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Wig stand.

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What is Trump more a-scared of? Sharks or stairs? Or Obama?

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complete sentences.

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Been waiting a long time and do not care I am late and someone else (many people) have already posted it....RELEASE THE BARACKEN!sigh. felt good.

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The sequence worked out perfectly for Biden--had Obama endorsed before Bernie, some disgruntled critics would have said the "establishment" put its thumb on the scale for him and that Biden was too weak to win the primaries on his own (and of course if Obama endorsed Biden and Biden lost, it'd not only make Obama look like his endorsement is weak, but it'd have looked bad for the primary winner as Obama clearly picked someone else). Doing this after Bernie helps drive home the point of a united party, where everyone will have a stake in victory and everyone (from the "establishment" former president to the outsider who came in second) has a responsibility in getting every vote out to help end the nightmare.Plus of course by speaking in coherent sentences and saying things that are actually true, Obama provides a little reminder to everyone--that it is possible to have a functional adult as president, and we should not be settling for a demented idiot who is killing Americans by the thousands with his neglect and malice.

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You take that back! Rowan Atkinson is pure genius! Granted, Blackadder is more my cup of tea than Mr. Bean, but still, I must defend his honour.

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Leave the man at peace, he did his time.

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But there is a treatment: ventilators for 3 weeks. It is why the mortality is so low. Without treatment the mortality would be a lot higher. What we don't have: - A cure to heal the sick before they need treatment. - A vaccine to prevent people from getting sick.

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I will defend all seasons of Blackadder to the death, but Mr Bean ruins Atkinson for me.

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I still don't like that he didn't close guantanamo bay, but that is the only negative I can remember. Then again, a leprous goldfish would seem good compared to Agent Orange.

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I could listen to Blackadder insult Bladrick on a loop for hours and never stop laughing.

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Ooooh, look at Miss West Coast Elitist with her ice cream fridge! /s

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I was going to say, "got caught hitting on a freshman" but yours works too.

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Ever watch “Time Team?” BBC show with Tony Robinson (Baldrick) hosting a random archeological dig into a random bit of British history. Not intentionally funny, but very fun and entertaining, plus often educational. There is literally 20 seasons of it available free on YouTube, if you happened to have time on your hands...

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