OK good luck with your personality cultWait, what?

Sure, okay then.*backs away slowly*

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I'm sorry you're too lazy to type three words into google.I'm sorry that typing three words into Google won't give the results that you claim they will, being as how your claim is bullshit.

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Yeah, again - the onus is on you to prove your conspiracy theory. You can't, though.What conspiracy theory would this be, hon, & how does it prevent you from pasting in a Googled link?

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Yes, the imaginary document that every news agency I named, as well as myself, has seen.That you can't link to, & that nobody but you seems to have seen.

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You claim that this public document exists in multiple publications, & yet you're incapable of providing even a single link to it.

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All I'm asking for is one link to the audit-trail document you claim proves that Sanders' people hacked the DNC database. A document you have repeatedly claimed has been made public by multiple credible publications, & is easy to find on Google. And yet you can't find it.

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"This is conspiracy theory nonsense."Bullshit. I've seen bullshit like that before. I'm a system-administration wonk too, & the whole incident stunk of a setup by DWS.

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What are your qualifications in network security?

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The banks (esp. Countrywide) blatantly falsified mortgage applications to get approval for mortgages that no sane lender would approve, in the knowledge that their employer would be selling them off, & so wouldn't be on the hook for the money. It was a total fraud, & all involved should be in jail. Sure, the borrowers were idiots, but the lenders scammed them big time.

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Damn Worthless Skank

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Would be amusing... Have this idiot list his five favorite policy positions of Donald. LOL indeed.

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The twelfth of never and that's a long long time.

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Sanders has more than a few skeletons in his closet; he's a career politician.Is that so? What are they?

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I don't believe you.

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"I've seen the audit trail"No, you haven't.

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Please. I'm much too modest to accept being referred to as nice. Since fourth grade, when I was taught to duck and cover, I just wanted the bombs to fall and get it the fuck over with. Six billion dead humans sounds good to me.

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