WTF is it with these people like Root and Sarah Palin and Trump that they are re-fighting WW2? They weren't even ALIVE then; we won the war, and Japan is our ally. What is wrong with these idiots?

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Also being American means never having to say you're sorry

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Well done, Dr. Zoom.

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For the record, I don't think Serai falls into the ideological category. But yeah: I am feeling a strong desire for everyone to STFU about their own personal measure of what constitutes their personal ideal leader.

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I've had an ongoing discussion with a relative who sent me to the Breitbart article about the terrible things Japan did. This speech wasn't about which side was suckier. This was a rumination on our ability to destroy our species with our own science; Hiroshima proves that. Our President thinks deep thoughts and that's the problem. Our right wing countrymen prefer slogans that fit on a bumper sticker or a ball cap.

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I can only assume that a lot of voters are tired of having a president who is smarter than they are.

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Watch the Brit panel shows on Youtube like Mock the Week (a favorite), or Have I Got News For You. Puts American comedians and journalistas to shame.

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OMG it's gonna be so sad when Charlie Sheen is doing these things in place of @RealDonaldTrump. Please declare martial law and become king already!

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(R-kinbangin) is gold too.

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Obama would be remembered around the world for his maturity and President Trump would add lustre and wistfulness for Obama's term.

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Whenever some ODS Righty goes off on the President, I find the simplest, yet most fun way to shut them down is to say-

"You've convinced me...NO WAY that Obama is going to be re-elected now!"

Then, of course, they desperately try to change the subject to "Hillary!!!!!", when they realize that their Obama Derangement Syndrome makes them look foolish...and will continue to make them look foolish for not just years...but decades.

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I memorized it for a student musical in college where a chorus recited as a background chant. We had songs, puppets, masks and youth!

That was the seventies and I still remember it. Now my hair is gray and I wear trifocals but The War Prayer hasn't aged a day.

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did he get his idea from Gandalf?

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Apparently the Allies tried to bomb the the crap out of the Cathedral in Koln (or Cologne) and it withstood all the abuse before they desisted and decided to use the two spires for navigation.

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