I miss the Stephen Junior updates.

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Tor's English was better.

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Hey, South Carolina. I have a new flag for you. Get your crayons out.

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And caused Hurricane Katrina.

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I'm going to party at work all day!

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It was good, but I didn't care for this bit:

I know that Americans of goodwill continue to hold a wide range of views on this issue. Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs. All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact; recognize different viewpoints; revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.

I realize that bridge building, magnanimity, etc. are part of the Presidential victory speech template, but bleh.

Hate based on "sincere belief" is still hate. Freedom to say something stupid and hateful is not freedom from criticism for that hate speech no matter how old the book you based your opinions on is. And the "Christians are being persecuted" BS has already started up anyway. So. I say, screw 'em.

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congrats! what an interesting family tree your ancestors will have the joy of discovering! they are destroying the definition of 'traditional' family and dumping it in the dustbin of history. hooray!

thx Obama!

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Best meme so far!

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So do thet think he personally didBENAAAGAHAZI!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!I know the think he was in the love nest with his gay lover doing coke, but he actually was there two? Is there no stopping the all powerful incompetent didn't do this Nobama!!

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True, that. He does well when he doesn't give a fuck anymore.

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justice that arrives like a thunderbolt

As opposed to the justice that storms off in a hissy-fit (I'm looking at you Scalia).

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So this seals the deal, right? Obama has officially out-Hitlered Hitler now?

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legalize weed. i'd like to see it happen in my lifetime.

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change they can believe in...

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The only piece missing would be for the Vatican to announce a major change in the Church's position on same sex marriage, and that His Holiness will schedule same sex marriages when He visits the US this Fall.

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