<i>La Belle Amercia?</i>

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Dubya is the smart one. Remember that when you see the Jeb 2016 bumper stickers.

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so that's why the lame stream media keeps calling it the "horse race".

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the right really does have a collective pearl clutching meltdown whenever the dems go all rove on their ass.

but i theorize it's because they know the dems are on the popular side (hell, RIGHT side) of so many issues. if you combine 'popular side', 'right side' and 'killer tactics', they have reason to clutch those pearls.

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i'm so bored with the U.S.A.

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Short version: "Attention white people!! Get out there and vote out the black guy!!!!!!!"

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you know, mitt romney - more than any politician in recent memory - makes me long for the grit and dirt and social upheaval of 70s clash london.

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After the GNoP Convention, I think the Democrats will just start running the tv commercials produced by (r)Money's Republican Primary opponents.

Newt Gingrich on Mitt Romney:

“I was amazed. I’m standing next to a guy who has the most blatantly dishonest answers I can remember in any presidential race in my lifetime… I don’t know how you can debate someone with civility if they’re prepared to say things that are factually false.” <a href="http://www.mediaite.com/tv/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.mediaite.com/tv/newt-gingrich-suggests...">http://www.mediaite.com/tv/...

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Nice. Had to think about that one for a moment. Wasn't sure at first if it was a quote from Christine O'Donnell.

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Or cousins that don't shave.

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That is what I am very worred about right now. Mr. Obama has a nice lead in Pennsylvania. But this voter ID law could keep up to 10% of those registered from voting.

Interesting how before the current court case started, the state of PA stipulated it had no evidence of a single case of voter impersonation - the only type of fraud voter ID might prevent.

Purging the voting rolls - the Republican's favorite tactic - can't be stopped by voter ID. Google "voter caging" for some fascination information from The Brennan Center.

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When you mentioned piaffe, I had visions of Mitt singing "Je Ne Regrette Rien". I have since found that it is a dressage term.

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