Shades of Deadwood.

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If that's the Montauk Monster in the picture, it's attached to the wrong article.

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I hear once you go black, you never go back.

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I'm a vegetarian, but then I'm not exactly a poor, so yeah, sure, sharpen those carving knives if you got 'em.

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Watch you don't break your teeth on the ICs.

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Fox News finds someone to say "class warfare" about a billion times in ... 3 ... 2 .... But really, isn't it time the on-going class warfare has some table-are-turned drama.

We'd like the job creators better if they, you know, created some jobs*.

Ruh roh! Mitt may have to pay almost the same percent as the guy who puts gas in those Cadillacs. _________________________________ * jobs are created when someone buys something, not when some rich dude's off-shore bank account gets bigger. the middle class is the greatest job creator in the country.

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Or at least find a single pair they can share and toss to each other during votes.

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<i>because it is the middle of an election year and everyone is just screwing around.</i>

I find I must disagree with the inference that this ever stops. The <i>just screwing around</i> bit is a <i>constant</i>. What changes are the lengths to which they go attempting to disguise said <i>screwing</i>.

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