
that is flat blasphemy.

mr. depp and mr. rush were never less than brilliant even if the films were longer and more complicated than the bible and mr. bruckheimer was involved.

also, barry never wears eye-liner.

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this is why the rum is always gone.

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At first, I thought you meant "purple prose". But on second thought, nah, you're right.

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That would give Obama an American mom ... they can't go there.

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Yeah, that fat tuck is always on about discipline and cutting back, while sporting a 50 inch waistband. How about pushing back from the table, funny.

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Actually, it's the motto of San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair.

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Yep, that describes Emily. I had her for 18 years. She was with me through a divorce, a bankruptcy, many failed relationships, several apartments. When things were their darkest, I carried on because I worried about who would take care of her. She was my little furry anchor.

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"Sorry for hijacking with all dead pet stuff, guys."

no worries.

Here..."Republicans suck donkey dick" There, back on track.

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Worry not, Liz...they haven't realized that we're a pretty tight knit group here. Every downfist results in a bunch more upfists. While it kinda fun to watch the p-score, I like folks comments better. Since nearly al of these downfisters don't comment, they're just whining little jackasses. Put it this way...if a building only held two things, my cat's ashes and the downfister, and the building were on fire, I would save the ashes first. Let someone else deal with the downfister (or the downfister's ashes - heh heh heh)

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Good point, I printed the whole thing on that stuff, whatsitcalled... paper, that's it, to read it later. I was tripping on how curly and fancy the language is. But then I read further down the page and saw it was adapted from a book, so that makes sense. But Ms. Scott certainly did earn that book advance money

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How the fuck does he know it was hand loomed? if he can find that, surely he would have found the fake birth cert?

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Being a pirate, can he make Paul Ryan walk the plank in the Bermuda Triangle? That would solve a lot of my issues with Congress.

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So THAT'S why he's morally weak! Childhood piracy is not conducive to moral maturity.

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Don't feel bad...I have the ashes of a beloved cat on my bookshelf. The vet gives the ashes back to the pet owner in such a nice little box with the pet's name on a plaque. I don't think I'll ever throw her away.

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So Obama can expect a surge in popularity among tea partiers, then.

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Isn't that Michelle Bachmann in that pic? The plot thickens.

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