Please don't call that room "the Oval." That's what Heileman and Halperin call it in their awful book <i>Double Down</i>, when they're on "Morning Joe."

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...as we all know, deficits are only good under Republican presidents

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And what would be the 2025 surplus if the Bush tax cuts never happened?

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It has a liberal bias, also too.

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I'm sure the GOP will piddle it away over whatever "scandal" pops up next...

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<i>In 2018, as more and more baby boomers retire and insist on living to ripe old ages and collecting their monthly government checks, and as health care spending inevitably rises once again, the deficit will start to tick up.</i>

I have a modest proposal for fixing this problem. I don't want to discuss the specifics, but it involves recycling, so I would like to include <b>Green</b> in the name of it, and it also involves reducing our dependence on raising livestock for human consumption, kind of like if we replaced all our meat with <b>soy</b> products. I don't have a final name for it, but I would be much obliged if someone suggested one.

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Believe it or not, the House Select Committee on Benghazi is hard at work this morning. Started out with the chairman <a href="http:\/\/www.c-span.org\/video\/\?323989-1\/hearing-2012-benghazi-consulate-attack" target="_blank">explaining to the members why the fuck they were still acting in this farce. </a>

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There'd certainly be a surplus if Bush had never happened.

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Oh good. The republicans have finally run out reasons to complain.

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<i>By 2025, the CBO projects that the deficit will again be north of $1 trillion</i>

“Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter”

- Dick Cheney, 2002

“Fuck the deficit! TAX CUTS! TAX CUTS!

- GOP, 2011

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We have always been at war with Switzerland.

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Oh well at least you all aint got wingnuts friends like mine they actually think tanking the deficit is a bad thing and Bamz is a fuck up on count of it

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As in "<i>integrate</i> e to the x..."

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It is also possible that retired Boomers won't be driving up health care costs nearly as quickly or by as much as projected, what with them being quite appreciably healthier (because reasons*) than any previous generation was at that point in their lives.

* Far too numerous to cite here. (I have an ever-growing list, but, like, <i>duh...</i> Let me just say here to Xers, Millennials, etc., you don't remember your great- or great-great-grandparents... but we do. You're welcome, successor generations.)

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