I can believe it. It was one of those things that sounded great for about a day or so, until she started doing interviews and we all got to know her - and then it was like "do not want"

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Link or recipe, bubba, or GTFO. ;-)

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No joke, that is A Thing among MAGA morons online. They really don't know that small d- democracy and small r- republic are concepts entirely separate from the two political parties. They also don't know that democracy and republic are interchangeable in our context — we're a constitutional republic and representative democracy.

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I heard that obama was supposed to speak after kamala, but he said no, she should be the headliner, because he wanted to pass the torch. can you imagine trump doing that?

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I don't have that one on hand at the moment, but I do have this one from the Recipe Hub:


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And also too, Katie, I haaaaaaaaaave this one:


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He didn't just say to vote. He said to vote for Biden/Harris.

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Wait, I DO have it! I just sent it to the Editrix for review; hopefully it'll make it into the Hub as well. :)

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Get at least one other person to do so, also too.

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The only way to do it is to take the bull by the horns—go to the mat with this scum!

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I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but I've thought at times that what makes it even more important to these idiots is their idea that, if us "libtards" are so inexcusably wrong about it being a democracy instead of a republic, we must therefore be wrong about every single thing in our SOCIALIST COMMUNIST YOU ONLY WANT FREE STUFF WHO'S GOING TO PAY FOR IT SNOWFLAKES thinking. If any idiot on FB tries to tell me that, I just mention that I read one time that Tucker Moronson was calling it a democracy one time, so fuck them.

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Post POTUS Barack unchained may be my favorite Barack.He and Michele are possibly the greatest tag team in US political history.

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Okay. That was wonderful.

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It's not an either-or. Democracy is how a republic operates.

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Trump's speaking every night of the convention. After the first night, when he rambles on into the night and loses his audience, he'll demand that they cut speakers the subsequent nights to give him more time to speak.

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You just reminded me of this https://www.huffpost.com/en... from Reggie Love.

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