"Not good!" The "man" is a fucking poet! A regular Norm Shakespeare he is!

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Leave Sean out of this!

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That's one million bags of salted rat dicks. Just sayin' ... it's Wonkette tradition.

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Ooops. Just noticed I left off the smily :) Sorry

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The 5th Amendment, eloquently, elegantly, and persistently expressed. Nice try Miss Lindsey.

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The peanuts are bigger! And still not as orange. Lies!


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A million bags of syphilis pus oozing cheese filled wankers, fuck these fucking fucks. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

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I saw a brief excerpt from an interview with McBlackity O'Bummer yesterday and was nearly brought to my knees by his knowledge and eloquence. The contrast when watching the current and former president speak on similar issues is psychologically jarring. That proves he's using some kind of Hawaiian voodoo mindfuck to deceive us. You libtards are so gullible.

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Funyon or gtfo.

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I would presume that procedure like that is a matter of public record laid out in excruciating detail in the Code of Federal Regulations. Now I get that congressionals may not truck with the science and loose morals and whatnot, but the vast majority of them (and their staff) are fallen lawyers of one stripe or another. The language of legislation is like mother's milk to them. They read that shit like Rod McKuen poetry and sport woodies around the law library. To enlighten him on administrative procedure would not have been the purpose of her testimony.

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"allegations of unmasking Trump transition officials"

Isn't it amazing how Putins cock holster can actually sound out words!https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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Agree! Donnie, the russian sock puppet, is a much more bigly font of knowledge.

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Yeah, I remember having a POTUS who could speak in complete sentences like an adult. And now I find it was some weird hoodoo mojo spell? F*CK!!

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I hope there's a fainting couch nearby, in case Lindsey's overcome with The Vapors.

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Rumor of up to 42 indictments + love of number 42 + love of libation + hinky weird GOP behavior of last few days leads to genius invention of "Name the 42 Traitors" drinking game.

#28 Ms. Lindsey with the laundered money in the Ballroom. If I'm right y'all drink a grasshopper.

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"...and Trump and Lindsey Graham are invited to eat one million bags of dicks."That's better than being invited to a bag of one million dicks, right?

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