Still trying to figure out whether it's cold in that picture or Phil's just happy to see us.

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Evita? No, wait, the one before her.

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That's what <i>she</i> said.

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Better Call Saul!

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Fortunately, Phil Dickheadson will soon be on the seniors' tour, which means he'll work even less than he does already, and we'll have to hear from/about him less frequently. And by "work", I mean "stroll around in the sunshine in fabulous locales occasionally hitting a ball with a stick, while being paid as if he were single-handedly repairing the nation's infrastructure."

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"Calm your tits" is just an expression, Phil. Nobody meant for you to take it literally.

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Arnie/Johnny Libel!

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That drug he shills for clearly has some disturbing side effects. Ewww.

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If he made a killing by shorting Clorox, he'd have had to know that Icahn's attempt to buy the company was going to fail. I'm guessing it was call options.

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Hopefully Mickelson's lawyer didn't just put him in an unplayable lie. Or to quote Jack McCoy:

"I'm going to give you a mulligan. But if your next shot isn't on the fairway, you're going to jail."

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