Oh Jesus Christ chicken! WTF did we do to deserve THAT???

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The Platypus and the Seahorse are both escapees from fictional literature who, for soem reason, have thrived here. Do your research!

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So, they're like Japanese Fighting Fish? Cool!

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Damn! Beat me to it.

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I am NOT clicking that fucking infowars link. Can't make me. Any fantasies I may have involving Nixon tattoos and polonium will have to stay in the journal next to my bunk.

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Zappa did a good cover of it also, too, as well.

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Also, exchange them for crocodiles.

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I think it was a reference to banning grizzly abortions.

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The ghost of Lincoln will arise on Friday and speak to the American peeples:


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Also on the confirmation agenda: Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, up for head of the EPA.

Ben Cardin: Do you believe there is any safe level of lead that can be taken into the human body, particularly a young person?Pruitt: Senator, that is something I have not reviewed, nor know about.We are all dead. http://www.motherjones.com/...

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Uh. They don't just "look like they hate the black guy", they do hate the black guy. #uppity.

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Aren't platypuses (platypodes?) supposed to be really mean? It seems pretty affectionate to me.

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No he won't. Trumpster put a Jumbotron in front of the Lincoln Memorial. No shit. And it's playing Trumpster promotions right now. Big Brother style. KKKlassy.

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There probably are but guns aren't allowed on Federal land and in the parks. Pussies.

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So how many "God's mistake" jokes did we make down thread? And did I give anyone permission to use my portable pooping potty? I think not!

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I have yet to meet a bear bearing arms.

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