I hate to tell Malkin this, but brainwashing seems unlikely as it would necessitate some control over the community college faculty, and controlling faculty is much like herding cats.

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Recall, please, that the Liberal Arts are so named because they were considered fit subjects for free persons (okay, yes, men) to study, while a slave only needs how to do his job. And yes, that does include petroleum engineering and physical chemistry.

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Close your eyes and <i>believe</i> in the market! Also, try clapping, I hear that helps.

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Yeah, if the kid doesn't have a very high projected lifetime earnings potential, why bother?

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Phase 1: Allow markets in higher education to work by limiting federal subsidies instead of increasing them, Phase 2: ??? Phase 3: Costs will fall for students attending colleges of all types.

Didn't you take Underpants Gnomonics?

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Dynamic academic scoring.

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Ph.D.'s , same as now.

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As long as it's not free MBAs. The global economy can't handle any more MBAs.

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Don't they have the same curriculum?

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"Magic" works for me.

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Drat . . . and here I was hoping it would be where we'd dump otherwise-unemployable teabagger congresscritters.

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For the Republicans, promoting an informed electorate would be working against their own interests.

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Don't sweat it . . . S&P and Moody's will give the paper a 'AAA' rating.

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I dunno . . . Chevy's making some pretty good cars these days.

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