All the way down!

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And I believe the fundies worship these dead-eyed fish...judging from the bumpers of their cars.

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If you experience changing into a wolf and your tongue becomes a giagantic roll and the top of your head has burst off, revealing an old timey steam whistle, you might be suffering from <i>Cartoon Sexual Excitement Syndrome.</i> Consult your doctor immediately.

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When my sister and I were kids, up at my Grandma's ranch, we used to play with the "rubber cheerios" we found ... until we found out what they were <i>really</i> for... CHILDHOOD OVER

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Nah, they're probably right there at the front door. You know, the couldn't-ever-retire superannuated greeter whose medicare was cut by tea-powered compassionate killservatives, who falls over dead during his shift.

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well this is a delightful thread. you guys ROCK.

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i do not want to see these pictures and it won't shut the nuts up anyway.

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I assumed Jeebus Hussein Cristo whispered it in their blessed little conservitard ears and it became so. Didn't get this notification myself, what with being an infidel, er whatever non-muslin equivalent term they like to throw around.

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looks like a story board for some 'buffy' monster of the week.

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I wouldn't trust drudge if he told me it was daytime and we were standing on a beach at high noon.

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OT: I'm getting annoyed with Intense Debate, I think. As someone earlier pointed out, a bot is responsible for the downfistation. How can a trustworthy discussion program let this happen?

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"Chicken LIttle" "The Pied Piper" "Silas Marner" "The Muslims and George Soros and ACORN are going to Kill You."

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Nah, Johnnie Cochran was known for issuing an if-then statement. These people plan to deny no matter what they're shown so we're dealing with more of a constant than a contingency. That made sense in my head.

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Agreed...and you snark blocked me with this fine comment. I was going to write a short screed about how America's children need to see more pictures of actual dead (ie shot to shit) people to better prepare them for when they participate in one of our (endless) wars.

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I like how he's meeting with the victim's families.

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No matter what the pictures look like it will be deemed photoshopped by the 26 %( TM)

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