I have a kid on my shoulders trying to steer me by the hair.

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I'm impressed. It only made my eyebrows knit together in puzzlement before I decided that someone just hit the wrong button. And I guess in a way, he did.

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I hear ya...I mean, who hasn't been there.

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The federal government still hasn’t passed a budget for fiscal 2011, which began October 1. The country has been paying its bills with continuing resolutions, the latest of which expires on March 4.

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Bastard's getting a call from my lawyer.

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I got one too! I hope it means all the <i>cool people</i> have their own Troll pets!

Though I have a pretty low-pee volume to really be considered really cool, I have a troll! THEREFORE QED, ergo, et al.

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Corporations have larger speech accounts than you.

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That could actually be an apt analogy for the Democrats.

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"Honey, I think we are spending too much on groceries and electricity and rent, so to change that, I am voluntarily taking a huge pay cut! Now we'll <i>finally</i> have to live within our means!"

This is a better 'home life" analogy for the Bush tax cuts and the modern Republican method of governing than yours, Cantor.

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“Deficits don’t matter so long as you're using the money to kill people."


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Or as the hede on FoxNation calls it:

<b>Obama's $3.7 Trillion Budget Includes Staggering Tax Hikes and Increases the Debt</b>

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Or vote.

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I collected one, too, who may not have paid enough attention to the gender of my avatar or first name.

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I like the expression on your face in the picture.

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they seem to think they are scary anonomous warrior e-mailers by sending us e-mails into our e-mail in-boxes from the intense debate internets.

it is much like being a chicken hawk. only with less dignity.

but you do have a very pretty picture.

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One is following me as well. I'm confused. And I have a female avatar as well, although yours is prettier.

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