Oh FFS, can't we be allowed to say outrіght yet without resorting to charmap? Dumbass motherfucking censorbot.

So anywyay, as I was trying to say:

Hey, Mr. Buzzfeed scribe, do you actually disagree that the members of House GOP caucus (cock-us?) "have suspicions about social security … have suspicions about whether government should make sure kids in poverty have enough to eat, they have suspicions about medical research … have a particular view of what government should be"?

Because it seems to me that could be considered a generous, diplomatically understated representation of the many, many public statements of many, many elected Goobers expressing outrіght antipathy towards the programs mentioned.

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Apparently the press self-censored openly mentioning that she's gay, but constantly whined in private about feeling the need to follow their own self-imposed rule because while she was out to everyone she knew she'd never made a public statement to the effect.

Also too, Foster <a href="http:\/\/www.cinemashrink.com\/silenceofthelambs.html" target="_blank">wasn't the only one</a> to think that of Starling.

ETA: To me, it didn't sound like a threat to quit show-biz so much as a declaration that she's retiring from acting for what sounded like a shift into writing and/or directing.

Oh, and <a href="http:\/\/www.guardian.co.uk\/film\/2013\/jan\/14\/genius-jodie-foster-speech-golden-globes" target="_blank">not everyone</a> thought it was rambling or incoherent.

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Fuckin jive turkeys.

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Sorry, you don't look privileged enough.

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Just another 24,993 signatures needed to get there!

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you have outdone yourself sir.

your job here is done.

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He wouldn't even have to be <i>exactly</i> like Reagan -- just the white and Republican parts would be enough.

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<i>the Republicans are about to drive their car off the highway and crash into the rocks below.</i>


--Victoria Jackson, playing a character who has more sense than real Victoria Jackson, who says GO, REPUBLICAN TOONCESES, GO!

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