Douchowitz lost me over the DNC Chair comments. Is he senile?

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"Hold meh beer"?

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I have two words for you: Cost plus.

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And said super jet will be deatroyed by the equivalent of an Ewok with a sling shot.

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Trump is going to pay for the expanded military budget by rooting out waste, fraud and corruption.

The Department of Waste, Fraud and Corruption is one of Washington's best-kept secrets. It's in the basement of the Treasury Building. There are guys who spend all day down there setting fires to piles of $100 bills and telling each other, "I sure hope an honest outsider like Donald Trump doesn't find out about us!"

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Ask and ye shall receive.


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We here in what used to be the United States have had Man In the High Castle for quite some time, and, while Ms. Gnome has watched it, I can't bring myself to. Everytime I walked through the room while it was on, it looked like she was watching C-Span.

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I had a friend who moved downtown and bought a scooter to get around through downtown traffic. He named it Libby.

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Here, have some of those King Cakes you like!

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Jose Ismael Torres and Kayla Rae Norton sentenced 35 years for terrorizing 8 year old birthday with confederate flags

Torres was sentenced to 20 years, with 13 of them in prison, for aggravated assault, terroristic threats and street gang terrorism.Norton, who is the mother of Torres’s children, was sentenced to 15, serving six, for terroristic threats and street gang terrorism.http://www.relatably.com/m/...

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Lawn carp. I've seen them destroy a few public parks in the Bay Area. They eat the grass down to the dirt and crap everywhere. If there was any critter that would inspire me to take up hunting, it's the Canada goose

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So Obama is in charge of the Resistance. Well, I feel better already.

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Huh. I wonder what their respective readerships and rates of engagement look like. Hand over your data, Shady Company.

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Netflix AND CHILI! What a great idea!! Beer, too!

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Awesome pic from the New Yorker article: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Some days i laugh bitterly. Some days i fight. Today i am severely depressed and like the sloth plan to do very little except cuddle and drink.

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