Yes, obviously we are all gay (duh!). Is that the worst thing you can think of to call us? C'mon - stretch your horizons: we're probably drug addicts too - at least, the ones with dark skin must be, I'm pretty sure. And probably atheists (or Jews: same diff). And yes, all gay people can read minds, but it's supposed to be a sekrit. (Dammit, RuPaul, honey, have you been leaving the Gay Agenda out again where everyone can see it? Thank god, they didn't find out about Barack.)

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Normally baiting trolls is tedious, but for some reason this one is kind of funny. Poor ickle victimized little conservative girl. Don't you just want to give her a pink fuzzy blanket and jelly beans and reassure her that her world is never ever going to change?

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That would explain why you have so many guns.

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All that alleged edumacation and you don't know that you can't comment on wonkette. I'm calling bullshit.

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Not one of- THE best. and I went to all the trouble of buying the 50 First dates soundtrack (I know, I know) just for that for a present for my husband who loved the song- AND IT WAS'T INCLUDED. Thus destroying any possible reason for the existence of that film.

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I tried to paste George Clinton's mug shot here but it did not take. Don't tell me I have to learn something, it's hard.

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Well, I'm sure that you probably make way more money than me, I'm a Health Educator at that evil organization, Planned Parenthood. I work because I want to, not because I have to. I've a degree in history and a masters in Public Health. I also speak 4 languages. The only insecurity that I have is that I'm way too uncoordinated for a Cuban chick. Btw, you can have all the degrees and "professional designations" in the world, but you're still narrow minded, hateful and quite despicable. Have a great day getting fleece by your pastor at your bs church of choice. Adiós

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No, I really would love for all the bigots, Sarah included, to just be rapture already. Too fucking bad that God is not real! I've no patience for imbeciles.

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Conservatives are kinder and civil??? You really are delusional!!!! I really hope that people protesting about the status quote are Liberals. Conservatives are usually the ones that protest about made up shit "Obama is taking my guns" kind of a deal. Get over it, the world is changing, you are a dinosaur.

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I wish Obama would have done that to John McCain during the presidential debates. The results would have been fabulous.

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No. I'll vouch for him. He didn't flag your comments because of his thin skin.

I deleted your comments all on my own. I am severely allergic to right wing nut jobs.

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The economy went from the risk of a depression to growth and stability. The auto industry came back from the edge of collapse. Osama bin Laden was brought to justice. Millions more people have health insurance. Unemployment is down. How did this happen?

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And dancing! Don't forget dancing!

(full disclosure: from http://english.alarabiya.ne...

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