Ah the old "You can't tell me opinions aren't news because that's an opinion" gotcha works every time. Right? Right?????

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Oh if only Obama (and his team) had called people "dumb dicks" during his presidency...

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Ted Koppel is pretty good at this sort of thing, actually:


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And none of the pundits throw chairs or take off their tops either! Lamestream media!

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Hee. It's funny but that's often how these video work through the Youtube Spin Filter. Posters and commentor (well the trolls in commentor cosplay anyway) will probably claim "victory" simply because they got "a rise" out of the men, subsequently ignoring anything they said.

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Hannity interrupts Koppel mid answer, like "In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows …" Note the ellipsis indicating an uncompleted or interrupted thought. Was Koppel going to specify which type of opinion shows? (maybe opinion shows that make sure to have a loud mouthed idiot on to keep actual information from happening) Was he going to suggest that 'these opinion shows' have some sort of journalistic responsibility, even if just to admit they are not doing journalism? Get real, this is Hannity, uncrowned prince of the Fox mantra, "We interrupt knowledgeable guests, you decide" Anyway, this allows Hammity-profanity to wave half a thought around later on twiter and call it hypocritical, appropriate since his show is supposed to be fodder for people with half a brain, figuratively speaking - or should that be 'half a brain ...with votesSorry, again I have to spell everything out for myself.

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Yeah, that fooled me, also too. CLICKBAIT!!1!!!!!1!!

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Interesting suggestion...... even if power tools cutting things may be, say, disquieting to the ones waiting for root canals or dental fillings.

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Even Charlie Rose does it. Cable networks don't have the budget to pay guests an amount that's worth their time. So they'll only show up to enhance their profiles or shill their product. To me, the core problem is, there are too many hours to fill and not enough product. Look at local news programs. They are always trolling their viewers for content. "Send us a photo of the snow at your house!" "Call us when you see someone bleeding." Etc., etc.

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I thought Jon Lovett was the devil on Saturday Night Live. Who was that guy and isn't he a conservative like that dumb blonde who took her cat Toonces to Floridah?

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Fareed Zakaria helped the Neo-cons sell the Iraq War to the public. I'll never forgive him for that. But if he wants to do penance by mocking Trump, that's not a bad idea.

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"Kilmeade managed to not piss his pants on air."

"There's no such thing as bad publicity." - Rupert Murdoch

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Or as a Ross Perot impersonator.

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The hate flows through him. He is, in fact, 11 years old.

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The difference is, the WingNut punditocracy lies constantly, consistently, brazenly and demonstrably, about everything, great and trivial. They know it, they know that we know it, but it doesn't matter because their credulous base gobbles it up, flies and all--and can be counted on to do so as reliably as gravity. And they'll keep buying reverse mortgages and gold flimflams until Tucker Carlson runs out of rubber chicken.

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