Actually, he did say he was wrong about polls being skewed. But now has created a website that explains how Obama won Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Pennsylvania through voter fraud.

<a href="http:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/unskewed-pollster-dean-chambers-nate-silver-election-dick-morris-michael-barone-2012-11" target="_blank">"Nate Silver was right, I was wrong"</a> <a href="http:\/\/www.slate.com\/blogs\/weigel\/2012\/11\/20\/from_the_maker_of_unskewed_polling_comes_the_obama_voter_fraud_map.html" target="_blank">Dean Chambers: Obama Voter Fraud Map</a>

As long as the GO-Pee'ers believe they did nothing wrong, they should nominate Romney again in 2016. Romney/Ryan 2016!

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Sez Mrs Pixelz: Instead of waiting for them to secede, can we just kick 'em out?

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I still say he's not good enough for her.

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A sounder investment than their stock, for sure. When do the Twinkie futures get listed?

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Somebody either: (a) went off preliminary data, (b) can't transcribe, or (c) is committing fraud in their attempt to imply fraud. For example, they claim that in Broward precint B002, Romney got 881 of 313 votes cast; the actual data currently shows 1,313 total votes. They claim that in precinct L0008 Obama won 978 of 5 votes cast; county shows 1,005 total. I'm going to go with (b) then - apparently they wrote a little program to rip out the vote totals, and forgot to account for the fact that the county formatted their numbers with commas as thousands separators, but VB's CInt doesn't grok thousands separators. When the results from their parsing were obviously nonsense, they went with the confirmation bias of claiming this proved fraud, rather than doing what any sane person would do and looking at the source data to see if they'd screwed up the analysis somehow (they had). So, also a little hint of (c).

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Is he now saying he was wrong to admit he was wrong?

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No, their script to strip data from the board of elections' websites doesn't know about how numbers formatted for human consumption frequently use commas as thousands separators. Where the vote total is less than the sum of Obama+Romney, add at least a thousand to the total column. It's quite hilarious because Broward County <em>also</em> provides its voting data in multiple machine-readable formats like CSV and XML. Also, registration data is not always made available, apparently this website doesn't feel any need to account for that.

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Yes, as if in a rush to <em>prove</em> that they're "pro-life until birth", the same lege that repealed credits for post-born children now wants to introduce them for the pre-born.

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I think my iPod is spying on me. It played <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=o3Nh6DurMJ8" target="_blank">this song</a> on my (short) drive in to work this morning.

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Well, duh! ;)

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Last weekend... so... after the election?

Yeah, I think the loser's supporters tend to take their signs down quite rapidly. The winners like to bask a while.

ETA: unless you're talking bumper stickers.

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Let's get one thing straight right through here.

Nothing - as in NOTHING - needs more James O'Keefe in his stupid Halloween pimp suit. Unless he's willing to wear it to Harlem one Saturday night real soon.

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They are really versions of the classic "Dribble Glass."

(Which, by the way, you can create yourself by taping a thumbtack to the inside of your thumb. Grab your buddy or loved one a cold one, punch a hole directly under the spout as you pick it up, sit back and watch the hilarity ensue!)

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Turns out the author of that little piece confused the House of Representatives (which must have a quorum) with the Electoral College (which doesn't).

Personally, I've always thought Electoral College sucked 'cause you never hear anything about their football team.

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Do you remember those plastic balls on the end of a piece of rope you'd slam into each other until they exploded in front of your face? Or you'd let go by "mistake" and it could get somebody around the neck like an Argentine bolo?

Them was the daze...

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It suffered in the transition.

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