They're checking out Wonkette but are too chickenshit to post here.

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A new trailer for the next Twilight movie must have been released.

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You can't guide the responsible policy of a nation via tweets. This is not like running a High School, this is a country of 250 million people.

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OT but Sara Benincasa is no longer listed with the A-Team authors on the sidebar. She's just one of the "See All Authors". (sniff sniff.) I assume she's busy running for MN 6th CD and will be back with more hijinks C-SPAN3 was too chickenshit to broadcast from the House floor.

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I work for a Fortune 500 company and I believe that this is what executive decision making passes for nowadays and the reason the policies coming out said process are increasingly myopic.

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Needz moar reindeer dildos.

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I bet they're all just texting each other.

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Looks my morning elevator ride except those people are pretending to look at their phones because there is no reception in those pseudo Faraday cages.

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looking about as hip as any photo containing david axelrod can look.

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