Good hygiene and obsessive hand washing can't hurt. Also, look both ways when crossing the street and don't eat candy that's been in a baby's mouth.

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It's true. You need some people left alive to bury the bodies, loot the dead and panic the rest of us into inadvertently murdering our loved ones and the last person who knows where the can openers are.

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No scandals personally involving Obama is a factor, but the minority Senate isn't. The R's impeached Bubba knowing perfectly well that they had zero chance of getting the 2/3 vote needed to convict. The other factor that's held off impeachment is that the residual "leadership" of the R party remember how badly that worked for them last time. The fundamental reason Gore lost that goddam election is that he ran <i>away</i> from Clinton, wasting the rather large amount of sympathy that had accrued from the whole impeachment fiasco.

BTW, what is it you think that Clinton did that can be "remotely construed" as impeachable?

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So, sort of a rip-off of <i>The White Plague</i> then?

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They made a movie out of Name of the Rose. Equal rites for Foucault!

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It's dangerous to kill off <i>all</i> the telephone sanitizers.

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Well, since we're all as good as dead now anyhow, what's the point in issuing these <strike>stark raving looney-tunes</strike> important alerts?

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If only the Gore campaign had been more on the ball in November and December of 2000 and pushed for hand recounts of paper ballots in several Florida counties, things would have turned out completely differently. Maybe the tea partiers are right, and liberal Democrats are responsible for all of the bad things that have happened during the past 14 years.

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I remember all of this only too well. During the Carter administration, RWers were pessimistic and pissed off. During the Clinton administration they were craven hypocrites. During the Obama administration they have gone bull goose loony. (The clinical term is Blah President Derangement Syndrome.)

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Are you saying it <i>isn't?</i>

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Tattoo is ON IT!

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Joseph Farah?

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Don't fear the reaper. Baby can you serve your man?

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Get off the links and on the ball!

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BÖC or GTFO. <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=IM0im3V8HlU" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM0im3V8HlU">https://www.youtube.com/wat... (Viewing Tip: The video is worth it due to the jam that runs through the second half of it. PLAY LOUD.)

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