pearls from swine...

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Be careful. If it's a <i>secret</i> plan, Pat Buchanan may tell Scarlett about it.

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You missed the death panels and FEMA camps ... rookie.

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Also this: "you will have red state Democrats denouncing the president"

by which he means, of course, "red state Democrats who are not Hispanic" because the ones who are don't actually get to vote; and

"Democrats denouncing the president" because they happen to live in red states, which makes them less Democratty, because <i>that is just how all those Wendy supporters in Texas roll, amiright?</i>

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Pfft, why would we be worried if the Chinese called in their loans? That's how capitalism works, after all. And it's not like they're an enemy or anything, unlike those evil communists in Cuba and North Korea and Brooklyn.

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More like 1934: That Hitler fellow, now, a bit overly forceful, perhaps, but damn he gives a good speech. A real genius! And my favorite thing about him is his intuitive sense of the flaws and weakness (masquerading as morality) of the people who oppose him.

Now <i>that's</i> the kind of real leader America needs, not some slave-race mud-blood who only got through Harvard and the White House because of affirmative action.

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Well I reckon there wont be any need to plan on watching firework iffen Bamz is burning the whole fucking place down

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Pat, you're going too fast. Most of the wingnut brigade still have their brains set to "Obama is a lazy, ineffectual, weak President". They need a couple days to reset to "Obama is a tyrant and history's worst dictator".

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You could hate John McLaughlin for being a former soldier of Christ, a RWNJ, or a sexual <a href="http:\/\/connection.ebscohost.com\/c\/articles\/9302141636\/devil-john-mclaughlin" target="_blank">harasser</a>, but his greatest crime is inventing the teevee format in which a bunch of washed-up hack journosaurs spew their own opinions instead of reporting actual news.

Unfortunately this zero-production-cost malignancy has metastasized to all networks.

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Self-awareness? We won't need no strinkin' self-awareness when inflation hits after the Chinese call in their loans!

Which has been predicted since, oh let's think....oh yeah, November 2, 2008 and unaccountably has failed to happen.

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We're doing our part!

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Tremble at the disapproval of red state Democrats.

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Well technically (in their eyes), they're not wrong <i>yet</i> now, are they? All of this still could happen. Really.

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Destroying America with Messicans is a whole lot cheaper than using Americans to destroy America, You'd think the Republicans would be totally down with that.

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Eleanor Clift was just asking for it every week.

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Pat has obviously and conveniently forgotten all about the Immigration Reform and Control Act, enacted on November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, signed into law by none other than his oh-so-revered Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986.

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