Remember fat lids? Sure there were too many seeds in the bottom (sometimes) but still...

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Huh? The same TARP that was <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Troubled_Asset_Relief_Program" target="_blank">signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008</a>?

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and a kickass song to boot.

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Upfist x 100 for you, sir!

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Or Medusa's.

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When I worked in St. Thomas, we bought cold beer from a soda machine on the dock (I think it was fifty cents a can), Jack Daniels was about $1.25 a bottle - and cigarettes were a quarter a pack.

That's what no sales and excise taxes can do for you. I still have the Rolex I paid a couple of hundred dollars for.

And no, it wasn't pre-WW II. Why do you ask? It was in the early '70's. The 1970's.

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Is that Paul Dean's Mom?

I don't think it's fair to call that a sour look - it's the only look she's got.

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Damn lazy students should just live on rice and beans.

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Let's say a sucker signs up at one of those fancy for-profit "colleges" and starts taking courses paid for with big student loans.

The institution goes BK, the debt has been sold to a third party, the "credits" can't be transferred because the school wasn't accredited - yet the debt remains to be repaid, and can't be discharged by BK (although that's how the school went out of business).

What a clusterfuck.

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While your in the area Mr. President, you should pop into Paula Deen's restaurant and ask her how that law suit is going. She would appreciate seeing you.

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For profit corporations are people too ... until it's time to go broke. Then, magically, they stop being people and start being special. Just ask Bain Capital.

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She's totally gonna match Joe Wilson in fundraising now. Thanks, Bammerz.

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