Why can't we get the Demoncrats to do something sneaky, like write a bill offficially admiring the Repukes in Congress for their steadfast devotion to governance, and then add an infrastructure amendment at the last second?

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GM pretty much did that with the streetcars.

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I bet the road starts to suffer from poor maintnance, sometime after year 40.

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Who needs infrastructure when you can motor on the Koch Causeway toll road, the Sheldon Adelson toll bridge, the Trump Throughway toll highway. . . .

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"Grunwald even quotes Republicans leaders Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor as speaking approvingly of infrastructure projects <i>in their home districts.</i>"


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Silly Wonkette - roads can't vote or make campaign contributions.

Now CEOs who get tax cuts, on the other hand...

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BTW -- that's one of Kinkade's lesser-known works.

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Ha ha, we've been trying "private" toll roads in SoCal for some years now. The winning contractors always seem whine all the way to the bank and then demand a subsidy.

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What a waste! Jesus only needed a road to Damascus.

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♩♫ ♬<i>Wir fahr'n, fahr'n, fahr'n Auf der OBAMAbahn.</i>♩♫ ♬

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♩♫ ♬<i>Brothers Koch, Brothers Koch Galloping through the sward Brothers Koch, Brothers Koch On their horse Concord. They steal from the poor And give to the rich

Stupid bitch</i>

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Cue Republicans complaining the bill is too expensive and full of waste (without offering alternative bill) in 3, 2, 1...

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That same free-market competition will really change the face of medical research.

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Oddly, all roads to La Jolla are toll-free.<br /><br /><br />BTW, <i>never</i> go to Oceanside.

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