Haha!Then I know that you are fabulous in everyway. So it's having stalkers? Why can't we just have the Communists phone in points for us like the Teaparty does for DWTS? I'll give you a dribble.

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Oh I see it all clearly now. I've been away as they sometimes call it.

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Good to know. So I must put all my years of Whore Diamonds into a big pickup truck and invest them in safe mutual funds? Or can I just buy more gold bangles?

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Oh here we are. Good I'll just buy more gold bangles and some earrings. I 'm following you now because Dustbowl told me to and anyway it's going to be easy because I think we are neighbors more or less. So be on the lookout for some one walking behind you.

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Wait a minute. Remember when Barry was our boyfriend?

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Well goodbye. I'm going to watch TEEVEE with V572625694 because heshe is rich and has wheels.

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Our 'Sputnik moment' involves a race to educate SOMEONE in our country not to listen to media blow-hards, believe half-truths peddled by shills, believers in idiotic myth-worship, or basically anyone who claims to 'know the truth', believe in 'fundamental values', or ANYONE who issues a state containing any of the following: "What <i>they</i> don't want you to know about..." "The hidden history of..." "The Politically Incorrect Guide to..." "Hillary--..." "...Freemasons..." "...Secret..."

For a time we were ahead of the Middle East and some Asian countries in this regard but we've fallen behind, due to a reliance on television, talk radio, and high fructose corn syrup.

The best we can hope for is that our dog in space dies quietly and doesn't upset the children, PETA, or those folks who believe in American Exceptionalism.

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Whoever came up with the concept of 'Lite Beer'.

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Not exactly.

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I read the wiki on that. The phrase, "bites off his penis" is repeated about 5 times. Sounds like a helluva movie.

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95 p points. No tax cut for you!

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Oh thank you. P on you too cutie. I love the beard.

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I believe the person to whom you refer in the second line was Candace Paragus.

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Tom Coburn Jim DeMint Michelle Bachman Jon Kyl Bill O'Reilly Hayley Barbour Carrot Top Joan Collins Andrew Lloyd Weber Miller Lite Rush (band and buffoon) ski-dos

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Yeah but....

A talking dildo might also bite. You may want to rethink that one.

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<i>Anyway Obama wants the people at the community college to make some futuristic thing</i>

Given the state of today's bible belt edjimakayshun system, most of them should probably be in community clown college.

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