People forget that Hoover was Commerce Secretary for the 8 years before becoming president, so this idea that he got blamed for a depression he only inherited is a myth.

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Barry is the exact type of politician that Gray Davis of California was. Totally ignored his base, couldn't roll over fast enough for the other side and corporate interests. He won re-election by default. Nobody really voted <i>for him</i> as much as they voted <i>against</i> the other guy.

Then when the recall hit the fan, he didn't have a friend in the world. No one had his back and no one gave a rat's patoot if he won or lost.

These guys aren't really "Democrats". They're just "Not Totally Batshit Crazy Republican".

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meh. he's got more done than bush and clinton combined (including a baby war). and did it in three years.

oh right!! AND he got bin laden.

you are right. this is - absolutely - nonsense.

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That's not an apt comparison. For one thing, Hoover didn't follow George Dubya Bush into the White House. For another, Hoover was vacuum.

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meh. wake me up in october.

seriously, this summer has been worse than PUMAs + death panels + whatever the hell exercised everybody last summer.

and in spite of what seems to be the received wisdom of the moment, this is the fault of republicans. in governance they reduced this country to a burnt out, overextended, indebted, terrified shell and are now intent on making it ungovernable.

that they are proving successful should be enough of a wake up call to anyone thinking of sitting out 2012. they aren't going to get any prettier.

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