FOX is Fair and Balanced™, people!

They have to <i>Balance</i> out the actual facts, with speculation and omission, or else it's false advertising or something! They have STANDARDS TO UPHOLD

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I can't afford insurance under the ACA not because of Obama but because I live in Texas. An oil well here has more government protection than a working-class Texas resident. So I want to move to Washington state or perhaps Oregon because that's the only way I possibly could get my gall bladder removed (or even just afford the ursodiol that would shrink the gall stones at $500 per 3 month supply and needs to be taken for life) or get treatment for my Dupuytren's contracture‎ (causing the little finger on my left hand to be permanently closed against my palm and unusable. One vial of the drug xiaflex that might fix it is $3200 per finger.). I live hand to mouth and couldn't even afford going to Mexico for healthcare. The greatest threat to my health is the GOP's war against <strike>Obamacare</strike> poor people. I wonder if I could try to impersonate Ted Cruz and use the great healthcare these Congress members have?

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Oh gee, the premiums for exchange plans had an annual increase- welcome to the real world. Mine have gone up every year for the last 20 years, faster than they are now. My first year on the exchange cut my premium by about 60% for a much better policy. This year I went with a new company. Yes, it went up, as did my deductible. Bit it's still better than what I had pretty ACA. It'll be 10 years before I'm back to paying what I was.

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You're way too intelligent and well spoken to impersonate Ted Cruz.

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are you in that gap in states that didn't expand medicaid - you don't qualify for any help? i'm a navigator (not TX) and have some ideas that might help. let me know if you want to pursue.

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Sure! chascates @ gmail

Address also works for Paypal drink/cat food tips. HT to dean booth!

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Well, if you aspire to eventual cyborg status, this is the way to go. Why would you want to just repair your old meat?

Sorry. My apocalyptic sci-fi persona just momentarily took over.

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You didn't wake up as a large insect, though, I hope.

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They're probably planning for the small possibility of a catastrophic increase in global warming, too.

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I'll take the soup.

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"We are sure there are some out there."

The GOP and Faux News have been looking for somebody like that for over a year now, and still no luck. It kind of makes you wonder...

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It's true, Obamacare is tyranny and enslavement! And the worst part of all is that I can't get signed up for it fast enough!

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I have Obamacare. Without it, I could not get health insurance (except through work) at any price because of <strike>pre-existing conditions</strike> my age. Obamacare let me retire a few years early instead of staying on the job just for health insurance. So THANK YOU Barack Obama.

As for you, Tucker Carlson, try going without health insurance yourself. Wake up wondering if today is the day a slip on the ice or that lump your wife found will leave you scrambling for treatment and a bankruptcy lawyer.

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Carlson has a point: Single payer is better. (That was his point, right?)

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Had ACA should have been called the Health Insurance Company Reform Act, it would have had 110% support.

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How about a nice pair of Rick Perry I Is Smart™ brand glasses?

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