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I would not want to rely on a private charity with an agenda reaching out to help all our needy citizens, even if they are "icky" to the charity.

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ACA is not available to everyone. If you fall below a certain income level it is not offered. I have a niece who doesn't make enough to qualify and must us free clinic to get her healthcare. Don't judge until you know someone's situation.

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You as well : )

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Well shit, now she gets healthcare for FREE! I'm so sorry for her.

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At the risk of being serious, I do not believe 'us' should base our moral/ethical judgements on what (we infer) he believes. Also too, there are much more environmentally friendly ways to recycle a body.

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Karma Permanente. Priceless.

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The Obamacare Medicaid expansion was intended specifically to address situations like your niece's--but some GOP-controlled states have refused to accept this help for their citizens, despite there being no cost to the state! (After all, can't risk Obamacare looking good; so what if a few low-income folks have to sicken and die.)

Apparently, your niece is so unfortunate as to live in one of these states. Tell her to vote the Teapublicans out and decent humans in.

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that was the most awesomely effective shredding of the intellectually stunted libertarian ideology that i have ever read....love you zippy...willya marry me?

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(What's the point of putting a "tl,dr" at the end of a post like this?)tl,dr: I can't even.

1) Disclaimer: I'm not even going to try to read all of the (as of my last refresh) 268 comments reported by Disqus, which is obviously a lie because Wonkette does not allow comments. So sorry not sorry in advance for making observations that have already been made in the (nonexistent) previous comments.

2) In the spirit of the RULES I'm frankly disturbed by the spite expressed by some of my favorite Wonkeputians. (It is not that I don't sympathize with the impulse, I'm just trying to step back and consider the implications of my snark.)

3) "They" are making it very difficult: Update #2 seems to be equating a donation with an affirmation of Mr Mark's beliefs.

3a) Given that Mr Mark has been reduced to public begging I don't think it unfair to ask what his attitude toward beggars was when he was in a position of authority.

4) This is just fucking difficult. Not only do I not question a beggar on their political beliefs before I decide to contribute, I don't in general let political statements by beggars affect my decision to give or not give.

5) Is it appropriate to give to this campaign if my only reason for contributing is to give weight to my criticism of Mr Mark?

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Only $30K for heart disease? Who's treating him? Dr. Ben Carson?

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He used taxpayer money while in office for PERSONAL gain, just like the bum Arpaio. I might send him $5.00 just to avoid being scummy as he is but, air, food, and water are limited resources. This lowlife is a waste of all three.

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Yes, and the anti American, NeoFascist PaleoCONs are still trying to stop Americans from having access to health care. Their hero KGB Vlad is now seen as the dirty killer he always was, and they still support his disgusting butt. Mack, if truly ill, is reaping what he sowed.

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I'd chip in for arsenic since he refused health care in the past, there is no doubt he is delusional now. He would NEVER be a welfare case, asking others to support him; best start notifying the public.


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He most likely thought of another scam, like using the office of Sheriff to rake in $$$ from right wingnuts. Rush Buttpimple, Ailes and the rest of the intrusion are NOT known for charity. Now Richard Mack is nothing but a charity case. Fitting. I hope his illness is long, and......uh....MEANINGFUL.

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I prefer a world with BOTH. But I never censor thought, belief or ideas. fear of ideas is the mark of CONdumbs.

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