Her first three children were partially vaccinated on an "alternative schedule"; the other four were not vaccinated at all. She claims that she'd been talking to her pediatrician about getting them all caught up.

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it's actually worse than that. in states that didn't expand medicaid, the people who don't qualify for subsidies are those UNDER 100% of FPL. b/t 100% and 138% (medicaid qualifying level or about 16K for a household of 1) you can shop on the marketplace and qualify for help. under 100%, if your redstate hellhole didn't expand medicaid you're out of luck and should consider leaving your red state hellhole.

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What I would say if I were allowed to : "Stupid liberals. You should have just let him die a slow painful death."

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Still don't get the whole registered voter thing. Just decide in the privacy of the booth.

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Actually, the guy made two very useful points - neither of which the media had ever bothered to report in the first place. 1. As a self-employed small business owner he fell into an Obamacare gap. I know others who did too--that needs to be fixed. 2. The Medicaid expansion has been subjected to such relentless disinformation that any average person living in a red state who didn't get scared and confused deserves a gold star.

The main thing is that he did speak up, had the guts to change his mind, and said so. That's more than that fuckwad Richard Mack sheriff guy in Arizona ever did. You know: the one all you Wonkers sent money to.

*mic drop*

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I think they got pertussis two weeks before the "appointment she had made" to have them vaxxed.

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Don't hold your breath. Could you hold Steve Doocy's, instead?

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Good job, liberals with bleeding hearts, who helped pay for his bootstrap transplant! You saved another one from themselves.

Keep up the good work.

This is one of those minute changes that is why arc of history really does bend towards justice.

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a slightly aware idiot is still 1000x better than a blind deluded idiot.

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Can we get Rick Deckard to retire all these Republicants? With votes, of course.

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We're the kind of evil you can take home to your momma.

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Lol, you really believe he's sincere? Even if his change of heart on this particular issue is sincere (which I doubt, I think his enlightenment consists of discovering that liberals are more generous in donating to causes that don't involve hating teh gheys), I'd bet money that that change of heart does not extend one inch past the issues that directly affect him. Too many of these GOP come to Jebus moments that involve themselves or family members utterly fail to translate into any sort of generalized change of heart for all the myriad issues that don't affect them directly.

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A liberal is a conservative who has been mugged by a conservative?

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The grammar in this article is horrendous.

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These people exist.

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