"Big C" is probably Charles Koch's nickname.

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If you like your falsehoods, you can double down on your falsehoods.

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I'll bet your wasn't higher than mine.

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What do you have against open toed shoes ?

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isn't she related to (ex wife mebe) Mark Boonstra, the long time Michigan GOP activist and recent Snyder appointee?

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They decided to not get their problem treated until they got insurance this year or the problem turned in Stage III whatever and they died of it six months later.

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If all else fails, repeat the falsehood over and over and over again until people think it's the truth. You know, like that bridge to nowhere...

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Hey now....I have a kid with Down syndrome and this lady definitely doesn't qualify because she's dumb AND mean. My kid probably won't crack 50 on the IQ chart but he would happily give you a hug. Don't ask him to give you any chocolate ice cream, though, the kid has limits.

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Chris Christie?

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Frankly, sick or not she's proving to BE the Big C.

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they'll go back to attacking the lesbian, ambassador killing commie crone

there's no shortage of scary monsters in the teabagger fever swamp

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actually, once all the smaller numbers were taken into account the difference between old and new was $2 so we are actually talking about $24 per year

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But if you read it on the internet it has its own kind of truth.

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