If you ever saw what goes into pepperoni, you wouldn't have to ask.

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And "logic".

Besides, mentioning Cain is rich is Class Warfare.

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Seriously, your Negative P is disappearing at an alarming rate; have you seen your soshulist death panel doctor about it?

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Maybe he 'caught' ass-cervical cancer because he refused to get vaccinated for HPV, since science schmience, yet insisted on getting fucked by horny teenage boys (those are the only kind that will do)

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Cain should debate Santorum on the subject of health-care rationing. Would they manage to support denial or rationing of care by private insurers, while excoriating 'socialized' medicine for mere delays; or would they be forced to say that they come out well under the current system, and that the poors can f*** off and die, as Republican Jesus intended.

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Was that idiot Santorum, by any chance?

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I did not know Lourdes was that cute, she is what I like to call all-terrain cute. She doesn't need shampoo, makeup, potable water, lack of bullets, you would still want to have sexytime at the end of the night. And she has giant titanium gonads. Ballerific.

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actually, just shut up.

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My nephew fell (or was pushed!) off a balcony and suffered traumatic injuries. He was in intensive care for two weeks, then further treatment in the hospital and physical therapy. All that medical technology focused on this young man. He didn't have insurance or own a pizza chain or qualify for medicaid. But the State of Connecticut paid his medical bills, which is to say socialism. Without that socialism he would have died, Herman.

Except actually he wouldn't have died. Hospitals are required by law to treat emergency cases regardless of ability to pay. My nephew would have survived anyway, but owed the hospital $250,000, which meant bankruptcy and the hospital would pass those costs on to their paying customers. Or not buy new equipment. Or lay off some employees.

But why are hospitals required to treat people who can't pay? Isn't that the kind of heavy handed regulation that stifles the free market? Republicans certainly think so about clean air and consumer protestions. If hospitals weren't forced to give away their services, they could lower their prices, hire more staff or pay them better. They would become more efficient and more effective. Like a business. But my nephew would have died on a bench outside the emergency room.

Be careful what you wish for Republicans and TP'ers. Lives are at stake.

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That's why you need to wash your hands all the time. All the time. Or you will get cancer.

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Agreed. Because I actually did get cancer and there was no way I could ever get a flu shot again from those monsters without Obamacare. Died? Shit.

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Life expectancy is higher in most of those socialized medicine countries. Canadians, for example, life three years longer than Americans. Infant mortality is lower. I'm glad Herman Cain survived cancer, but other Americans are dying of treatable diseases because they didn't want to risk their financial security when they felt a lump.

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Agreed, he is an asshole.

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Now <i>I'm not saying</i> Republican voters are dumb, but <i>isn't it interesting</i> they thought that Hermann Cain was winning all the debates before Michele Bachmann jumped into the race?

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