Salt for everyone!

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Fuck Jeff Sessions.And fuck Rawstory for the stupid and incorrect headline, "Clinton blames Bernie for Loss in New Book." She threw some shade, sure, but that headline is bullshit.

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Oh, and fuck Donald Trump.

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Nancy, Madame Pelosi, please help me, please! I'll do anything for a pardon!

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She really can't buy a break, can she?

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Now you tell me.

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Way too many words.

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"CNN says Trump liked this letter so much he tried to call Obama on Inauguration Day to thank him ..."

Just goes to show:

1. Trump can't read between the lines2. Trump is a victim to his feelings of inadequacy

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oh my god not the mar a lago!!!!!! nooooooooooo!!

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Anyone want to put themselves in a bad mood? Find a political discussion thread from a year ago, and take in all the bellyaching about the Democrats. Obama wasn't all things to all people therefore he was a mediocre president; Hillary reminded people of their ex-wives therefore she was unfit for office; the Democrats haven't fixed the country therefore they're not worth giving numbers with which they conceivably could do so.

Goddammit fuckwits of 2016, I knew you were dumbshits then, but you sound even more foolish now that we've had several months of Trump.

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Pee hookers...Poo hackers... Pie hawkers...Pool hustlers...Puerile Hitlers...Penny hagglers...Pinch hitters...Paid hecklers...Puke hurlers...Pan handlers...Porn hubbers...Pig humpers............................Welcome to the MAGA Maggot Carnival

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Is Obama's dog really named Bo ? Because that seems to be a popular name for dogs.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Good. Very good.Maybe both Dysons will collaborate, save the planet!And you'll get credit for the genius idea/joke, BosGrl.

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"Imagine what Trump’s letter to the next president will look like."

It'll begin "More than thirty years have passed since 1914 when I made my modestcontribution as a volunteer in the First World War, which was forcedupon the Reich...."


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What will Trump’s letter to the next president look like?Most likely full of backhanded smears far less subtle than Obamas, and a bunch of lies about what he accomplished...and of course he'll be rude as fuck, especially if a Dem wins. I can picture it now:

"Dear Pocahontas,"

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