Thanks to Jackie Kennedy being hott that one time she lived there, the White House is supposed to be a place of well-decorated holiday majesty at this time of year.
Heh...I just noticed my P is back up where it belongs. I have been working my head off lately and haven't had much time for teh Wonkette (boss is out of the office today, yay!). Has something changed?
I will confess that I sang in one of the college glee type groups with the dance moves and snazzy outfits but it was easy credits, no home work and lots of women. Laugh all you want but I got laid more than once in college.
Amy, Wendy, Jane, Sue, Becky I, Wilma (really), Whatshername, Cindy, Glenda(again really), Becky II and so on... *not so innocent look*
They think this will look good on their resume at the next "Glee" open audition.
Not to mention that whole "no white after Labor Day" faux pas.
In the last picture the woman looks like a tranny pissing on the fire.
beat me to it.
+1 for Barackapella
Needs moar jazz hands
Heh...I just noticed my P is back up where it belongs. I have been working my head off lately and haven't had much time for teh Wonkette (boss is out of the office today, yay!). Has something changed?
Bo knows your sister....
Are you Michael Steele?
You sure that last picture isn't three guys pissing in the fire to put it out?
I see the skirt...but it could be a Scotsman with skinny legs.
I will confess that I sang in one of the college glee type groups with the dance moves and snazzy outfits but it was easy credits, no home work and lots of women. Laugh all you want but I got laid more than once in college.
They all should stand around Bo and sing "In The Arms Of an Angel" until everybody gives them a lot of money to stop.