Here's hoping the 23-25% group goes the way of Heaven's Gate. They appear to have already completed Phase One.

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They came for the Oxy and stayed for the Gibberish.

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but bad candidate! emails! seth rich! dnc stole the primary from sanders!

yeah, they'll never redeem themselves.

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His method for staying ahead of controversy by introducing new and ever more horrifying scandals every week (just to drown out the previous one) is not unlike his old method for obtaining credit with American banks to stay ahead on his shitty business deals. Eventually it all erodes to the point where no one is going to lend to him anymore, and he'll have nowhere to turn except for the Russian mob.

Oh and when it comes to exaggerating penis size on Tinder, he would definitely apply the same formula he has for estimating his personal net worth: claim you've got 10 when independent analysis indicates it's more like 3.5.

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The most interesting figures on the poll are that 55% strongly disapprove and 6% disapprove somewhat. Only 6% have no opinion (those infamous dead voters?), so there is no room for him to gain any significant support. These strongly disapprove numbers are fairly consistent among all the presidential approval polls.

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The percentage of people who "strongly approve" of Trump is just three points short of those who believe the sun revolves around the earth. Just, sayin', that seems too close to be a coincidence.

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The funny thing is they cast Marc Cuban instead, and 45 HATES him! >:)

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Whhhhheeeewwww...I need a cigarette

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Winning! It's so great, you won't believe it folks! I'm making Ameika Grate Again! People are talking about it!

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I hated Trump before it was trendy. Suck it, Trumpanzees!

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Wow those two life is not cursed........

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that was McConnell

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She voluntarily appeared on Fox News to help spread the bullshit, so fuck her.

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You never go full Targaryen.

EDIT: Damn. Shoulda scrolled down.

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Sometimes I think Trump actually WAS cast in the movie after all. I just think the American citezenship was accidently cast as "extras". So remember to check your windows for wind-propelled sharks next time he gives a speech y'all.

Don't blame me though, I voted for Tara Reid for pres.

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Terry Pratchett libel!

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