Race war... it would be over without s shot fired. The gun humpers in the cellar looking at porn, the millennials are to self involved, the kids are to busy vaping themselves silly. Boomers are to tired and old. I for one will welcome our new over lords with a laural and a hardy handshake.

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A very good question. And along with it comes another question - has she made the amateur's mistake of becoming that role?

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I'd be very interested in knowing just how many people are judging this woman's character based on a role she played on reality TV.

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THANK YOU. Bitching about what she might or might not be like as a person is completely irrelevant. I would have thought the DECADES of assholes voting in "guys just like me" would have taught us that by NOW.

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Sounds like a performing duo of drag queens.

"And now, for your men-tertainment ... Diamond and Silk!"

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I want a miniature freshwater narwhal that I can keep in my bathtub.

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My redneck in-laws preferred Diamond and Silk.

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Consider yourself UNINVITED to Black Cotillion.

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Exactly. Stopped clock, etc, etc.

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This time we're in dat array.

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The Chappelle Show's Racial Draft was held, amirite?

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That's okay. Omarosa has never been relevant to the Black community. Not any more than Uncle Clarence. There will always be sellouts.

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Half my redneck family voted for trump (I'm the one who stayed sober and went to college). Omarosa used to be the Party window dressing that let my kin pretend they weren't racist when they voted for trump and his cronies. All Omarosa 2.1 did was reaffirm every negative stereotype they hold about people of color. So no, she isn't a game-changer in my redneck little slice of 'Murrica.

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If Trump gives a speech in the forest and no one hears it, is it still full of lies?

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I had a roommate who watched a lot of TV, and a lot of it was reality TV like the House Hunter shows and Face Off and the Amazing Race.

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Omarosa used to answer that question with "He's race-aware..." Now she just goes "Yes, he's a racist." Funny how grifters throw each other under the bus when it suits them.

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