Hey, I might be stuck in Richmond mid October at some undisclosed hotel unless I refuse to go. If you can wait a couple weeks I will stand around in front of the Jeff Davis Bank of the Confederacy and hand out socialist pamphlets with you. No? Okay.

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The pilots came too it was awesome.

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"1. Place fees on financial transactions and tax capital gains the same as income 2. End corporate personhood and overturn the flawed Citizens United decision 3. Get big money out of politics through substantive campaign finance reform 4. Jobs through investment in the public sector and infrastructure, not tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations" That wasn't so hard to do Mr. Lazy. Straight from an actual Wall Street office.

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Agreed. Their Forums appear to be a broken mess, sadly. <a href="http://ratm.forum.epicrecor..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://ratm.forum.epicrecords.com/viewtopic.php?f...">http://ratm.forum.epicrecor...

Not sure where else to even start an effort like that, suppose one could take to twitter?

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