What about the Religious Liberty™ of the employee who does not want to be forced to endorse this prayer that does not reflect their beliefs? Or does Religious Liberty™ only apply to certain approved religious beliefs?

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IKR? C'mon Dok- this ain't the NYT ya know!

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Note that ol' odango-atama is the only one not on a cross. Well, her and that pink monster who is not to be named.Basically, Usagi is Pontius Pilate.

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A Christian named "Goldstein" standing up for the rights of a Jewish carpenter? Got it.


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Do you know how hard it is to make a Sailor Moon costume in a toddler size when you have no sewing skills? Sailor Moon and her fellow Sailor Scouts should die with votes for that sin alone!

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I can imagine! My son and I were remembering Halloween costumes from his childhood and he said his fave was his Green Ranger costume. I startled, realizing that that costume was so horrendously horrible to make that I had blocked it from my memory. Damn thing cost over $50 in materials and took an entire week to make, only to be ruined in one night because it was freaking felt. I told him whoever designed that pattern should be shot. With votes.

Sailor collars are a total betch. Hated them!

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They are shocked, shocked I tell you.

I think what we're seeing is the discomfort of the privileged, played out over and over as they throw their various temper tantrums. Sucks to be them. Even when they "win" these days, they still look like stupid, spoiled hypocrites. Because they are.

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Jesus on a pig butt!!!

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Funny, she LOOKED Jewish...

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Yeah, but they're all running back to where they came from now because they hate Pope Francis.

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of course. christianity is the only "true" religion, so it is the only one to have freedom. false gods need not apply.

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the ritual, and pageantry. some people really like that stuff. why else do you think they do it?

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Guilty as charged. There's a dearth of crucifixion imagery in MLP fanart, thank Celestia.

Edited to add: No that was NOT a challenge.

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Hypocrisy by "Christians"...do you not see that your "religious liberty" dictates that it is RIGHT & GOOD, a right without judgement, to be free to worship ANY 'god'?The One Creator said that man is to worship ONLY HIM. In other words that man is NOT FREE to worship other 'gods' and HE warned man that if man were to do so that he would suffer the judgement and penalty of death for this disobedience, this self-justified taken freedom.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, will return ,as a thief in man's eyes, to rule the earth in obedience and power as the ONE KING according to the Will of the One Creator and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve ONLY Him, the One True Way of Life.

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Goldstein? WTF???

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Where oh where is the dragon head for pedophile priests? Pregnant nuns who abort their own babbies? Pervert priests who molestize the children? Priests who touch the yamyam or fluevog of another adult?

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