Observing the Hatch Act is soooooo last century, like declaring your income to the IRS.

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Show me one example of a main player from the Trump administration being held accountable since Biden has taken office.

There were more prosecutions of Trump officials during his own time in office FFS.

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I didn't realize, until Trump, that pretty much everything is based on the honor system.

Everything crumbles under sociopathic leadership.

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God forbid Garland Merrick look like he’s playing politics.

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A law only for Democrats.

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No, I believe that is called "a suggestion"

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Keighleigheigh DOES look a lot like this painting of Mary, in that she is female and looks like someone a painter might pay to pose for him and whatnot.

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That last sentence in your comment... *chef's kiss*

Love it

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Why have you not personally set up the perimeter auto-cannons to prevent wankers like Pompeo from leaving the state, SHAN??? Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

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This. I thought we had a pretty solid governmental system, until TFG arrived and proceeded to shit all over it. And when you have an entire party full of power-hungry sociopaths, I don't know how any of it gets fixed.

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Laws. How do they work and who do they apply to?

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Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other– John AdamsI guess it took TFG and the Repooplicans to show us just how true that is (minus the religious part).

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If you turn off location service the data becomes a lot less useful to them. I leave it off unless I'm actually using the service for Maps or something (rare). Some programs insist that you turn it on to install, but if you turn it right back off they almost always work just fine again.

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As a former federal employee who was FANATICALLY careful about avoiding Hatch Act violations, this stuff used to enrage me almost more than anything else that enraged me about the mal-administration.

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We can't even SEE Dan Brown territory from here! It's like we saw Dan Brown territory and instead of motorboating on over we went FUCKIT GO TO PLAID instead. This is Dan Brown on Hunter S. Thompson levels of drugs territory, blendered through the prism of 2001's ending.

We might not be back in time for lunch.

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No one who is republican.

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