I think I want her ass disgraced and arrested more than Trump.

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"CAN I HELP YOU the fuck out of those assholes." lol

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Far right.

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I like to think they knew what I meant from the look on my face.

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I read that she left a job in PR to become a Capitol Officer. That's someone who deserves all of my respect...

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How could any "red-blooded" blue-blood American patriot not consider that white female cop, a HERO?

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SWEET CAROLINE!!!! Neil Diamond, right?

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Totes and Pears.

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I am hoping that on Caturday, June 11th, and Donna Rose's birthday, all of the Wonk pets come to play! I was glued to the first J6 hearing and I'm still processing. I need all of the Wonkette Pets you can post at me!

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I hope some day we can write letters of thanks to Officer Caroline Edwards at some official address (perhaps her lawyer's?). I am still processing after watching her testimony. The internal scars that woman must have...

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The ULTRA MAGA GOP hate all cops, unless they are killing unarmed black men

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I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Round up the usual suspects!

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Finally! Someone in the Democratic Party came to the realization that this thing was going to be on teevee. Not television. Teevee,

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It's a good thing his Daddy was rich. If he was just a regular schmoe, the best he could hope for was some middle management dweeb running a department with an ungodly high turnover rate.

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The Capitol Police have sonic and gas weapons, water cannons, and access to armored vehicles, all of which were left in the armory since they didn't have permission to deploy from their (Rump-appointed) "leadership". There are hard shutters that can be installed on the exterior doors in a couple hours, which were left in storage. Staff from graveyard and swing shifts knew from their Farcebook feeds that they were going to be needed and showed up to assist before the violence started, and were sent home by management. The line was breached by the mob because they were **meant** to breach it, and the lives of the actual line cops be damned.

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