Notorious conspiracy crank Alex Jones offers this advice: <i>Because of the fear that the radiation from the Japanese nuclear meltdowns will hit the Western United states (see this and this), potassium iodide has sold out in most health food and supplement stores in many California, Oregon and Washington locations. But taking potassium iodide when there is no radiation can actually damage the thyroid gland … at least in some individuals. A doctor told me that potassium iodide is given to people with hyperthyroid disease in order to partially kill the thyroid – i.e. to lower thyroid function.</i>

And buy gold. And ammo. And vegetable seeds.

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Remember how Geraldo bust into some gangster's tomb/hiding place? We should do something similar with O'Queef...like lowering him into the containment vessel from a helicopter.

That's the hard-hitting, cutting edge journalism we need today.

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Oh dear...I bet one of the American prisoners said "Bite me" when under torture.

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He is from Fond du Lac...there has got to be a joke there...

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well but at least the market closed up on friday.

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I'm waiting to see if Rudy Giuliani updates to "3/11" as his catchphrase.

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So where do you think you're going?

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Apparently there is a history of cannibalism in Japan when things get really tough. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshio_Tachibana">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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Say, isn’t it about time for some TeeVee minister to weigh in on this horrible event and make some terribly tacky comment on how God did this because the Japanese aren’t Christian enough?

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