Axios shouldn't even exist as a trusted media source. Why would I ever believe anything they report- I never even heard of them until 2 years ago. Having said that- it is difficult, being a very average Joe Schmoe, with a job and a kid and a mortgage and all that, to keep up with whatever news sources are supposed to be reliable. My solution has been to distrust everything unless the Wonkette vets it. 😁

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When the man who has a mental breakdown has a significant role in running the country, I feel justified in questioning whether that's a good thing or not. Not okay to "insult mental health issues" but I haven't personally seen a lot of that going on .

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Dont be so hard on an old droog, it's not his fault if he went all starry on the moloko and wanted to platch a bit on the old telly.

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Upfist for reference to A Day in the Life.

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That explains it! I read one story from them that wasn't too bad, then they had idiots reposting them on the FB trending side. And they were absolute Shyte articles. Like totally inaccurate stuff.

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I would enjoy seeing Roger in sartorial splendor such as you describe, with votes, of course.

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Upfist for the Pink Floyd Ummagumma Reference.

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Every new generation thinks it has invented sex and "old" people don't indulge.

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Crazy like a fox, that Nunberg. I'll let you figure out how much his testimony, sworn or unsworn, would be worth in any court following his appearance on the teevees. He just saved himself hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawyer bills

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My goodness I couldn't believe how gently, yet firmly, Ari and co. were being with the weaselly little rabbit. That was amazing.

"I'm not going to jail! Do you think I'm going to jail?" Yeah. Everyone on that panel thought your sad dumb ass was going to jail.

"If the subpoenaed evidence does not implicate the psychopathic criminal bastard, Roger Stone, then you should present that evidence to the grand jury. They'll need it. And refusing to do so just looks suspicious. You're actually hurting Stone by refusing." That woman was good.

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Missing BENGHAZIII!!!!!

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I was thinking that Nunberg was being a surrogate for Trump or a metaphor for Trump, either way. No ethics were violated here by the journalists involved and from what little I paid attention to, they were professional. It was NEWS, not fake news even if it was another stunt by Roger Stone to distract us. Didn't Mike Allen work for Politico?

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I like the cut of your jib, especially the "crapped the buffet??" That sounds like what the Kochs, Mercers, and NRA are doing to this country.

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Tee HeeI was but a wee one when Martha Mitchell threatened her husband that she was going to spill the beans to Helen Thomas. Thanks for the reminder.

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You, ummm, might be on to something there.

Oh! And also, these jackals are robbing EVERYONE blind?

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Compassion to those who hate you? What is this, Canada? (Sorry, seriously impressed by what Maya did with Nunberg. Mature, caring, empathic and ethical. Wonderful woman.)

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