I have memories of watching Saving Private Ryan when I was a teen (which would have been unpleasant in any event) and being actually nauseated when people in the audience *laughed* at the little girl sobbing and slapping her father for trying to give her away to soldiers because he thought she'd be safer that way, and at the German soldiers who were trying to surrender being shot dead because the Americans didn't understand them. I fucking hate people, too.

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Oxygen is flammable. I wondered if it was just maybe very poorly worded sentence, and what the bomb actually does is suck in oxygen as an ignition source. Not sure.

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A huge explosion in another country is "what freedom looks like"? Is that like "the freedom to blow your enemies to bits"? What verses of the Book of Armaments is that in (and did they count to three)?

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No oxygen is not flammable, its the oxidant not the substrate.

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Didn't know that. But now I do!

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Horrendo Revolver claimed to have been a friend of John Lennon, and yet is opposed to everything Lennon stood for. Sad.

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Thanks for sharing the love!

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What's next? Toilet paper? I mean poor people already have microwaves AND ceiling fans! When will this fleecing of the poor rich people end?

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Now I remember!!! I knew the name Ainsley Earhardt reminded me of someone else. On the TV show "The West Wing" there was conservative character by the name of, Ainsley.Bartlett hired her and they gave her an office in the basement.

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I think it was A C Clarke's Rama series where once the leader of a certain species declared war the first thing she had to do was kill herself. The philosophy was, if you are going to ask your fellows to give their lives then yours should be the first to go.

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They better hurry up on the theme music!

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The tunnels weren't financed by the CIA. That's a Jill Stein / moonbat meme, the tunnels were there long before, from mining.

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THIS is what freedom looks like... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I remember laughing at watching him back peddle and eat his own shit for two hours.

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