Now I have the image of Laura Bush's head bobbing up and down on you-know-who. Get me a hypnotist, stat!

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I'm waiting for her to give it away so she can tell a group about giving head.

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Let's see how CNN does when it covers a similar affair with George Bush and has to explain STFU and GTFO.

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Did she tell any more comical anecdotes about the former President <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=uQ3HIozYPJs" target="_blank"> trying to milk a male horse,</a> perchance? That one was a side slapper, that was.

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I have some sympathy for Laura with W being unemployed. She's probably stocking up on pretzels.

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LOL is now the new "also"...except that we all use it almost automatically. We will no longer know when we're being sarcastic or earnest. DAMN YOU CNN!

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If she had ANYONE laughing it couldn't have been with the material reprinted in the article. Maybe the use of "laughing" set my expectations too high, but I thought she'd have actually said something funny enough to put in the article instead of the groaners they reported.

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<a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/428167\/17000000-americans-have-college-degress-for-no-reason" target="_blank">A master's, huh?</a>

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