Let me Pleather you . . .

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What's the line on that still happening?

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Nope. Not even with your paper bag.

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I have, but rarely...

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Vinyl siding on the bungalow? Sheared yews? Wicker porch furniture? Would this by any chance be Indiana?

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Girl's been warned...

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Is she really a person? She sounds like a character out of a Joan Collins novel.

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a woman who did her labiaplasty on camera and then sold off her extra bagina skin!

How on earth did I miss this "Stop the presses, get me rewrite" story? I suppose it is too late to enter the bidding.

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Things to not Google #45115

"Crying Vulvas"

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Can you imagine going through with the wedding after the world learns about your fetish for big black c0ck? That's gotta to make for some awkward cocktail banter....

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I wonder how different Congress will look once it gets around that there's a market for auctioning off actual pieces of pussy for money.


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So just because this A-hole need to selfie his weenie, she gets another 15 minutes?

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There are thousands of dominatrices online that will both make you a little bitch and preserve your privacy. There are literally thousands. What would possibly cause you to select an immature, preening, headline chasing, narcissistic, worn-out, has-been, porn-star? Or course she's going to leak the photos. Of course her singular goal is exposing people's sexuality for the sake of her own vanity. I wouldn't trust that woman with the combination to my gym locker. What was he expecting?

If this guy had been a little smarter, he could be getting pegged this very moment while a discreet dominating beauty forced his face onto a hefty bbc. Instead he has a million people snickering at his deviant sexuality and his hideous lack of judgement.

So sad.

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Thanks for sharing.

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Sure you can.

It just ... gets limper and limper.

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This whole man-sends-photo-of-penis-to-woman thing has got to be the greatest trolling of all time. Who's trolling whom, I'm still not sure. The guy for sending them, or the woman for pretending she appreciates it?

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